Tina grew up in a small town in Germany and spent a lot of her early childhood with her Oma (grandma), a quiet seamstress who introduced her to the importance of creating with your own hands and the joy of art and craft projects. Together, they would spend many hours in Oma's kitchen, one of them sewing, and the other with brush and pencil in hand.
"Painting was my first love." Tina's playful paintings invite you to pause and ask "what lies beneath?"...to take a closer look and discover dense layers, imperfections, expressive texture, organic details and weathered surfaces - They reflect Tina's love for fine and simple things and for her surroundings, her childlike curiosity and joy for everyday life. She hopes to share and express a little piece of herself and to engage and connect with the viewer. Tina lives with her husband in Otter Rock, Oregon. www.tinawill.com